Friday, October 22, 2010


If I could travel to the past, I would like to meet Susan Sontag. I think that her life and her thinking are very interesting, especially the things that she wrote about photography and other matters related to aesthetics and arts. The Susan Sontag’s reflections are very relevant to think the photography as an art trough the years, and their connections with social, political and economic aspects of the society.
If I could have the opportunity to know her, I would like to talk with her about her influences; what movies and books marked her (because I imagine that not always the movies and books about she talked are the most important in her life), what was the things that inspired her (maybe travels or her relationships with other persons), and I would like a lot if she would tell me anecdotal things about her books and the process to write them. I would ask her about projects that never finished too.
Maybe, I would like to tell her things too; I would talk her about political events (like Obama’s elections), the situation of mass media in the world, and specifically in Chile (maybe I would tell her all the things about the miners). I know that her papers and books have included reflections about the mass media and their relation with the society; however, I would like to know what things she thinks about specifics events. I think that she always had (and would have it if she were alive) illuminating things to say about process and events that it happened, and I love the way that she had to express her reflections: with very clear ideas , without pretentions and in a simple language near to a common reader.


  1. I don´t know that you like Susan Sontang! It is very estrange for here, however, I like too!

  2. It would be very interesting to talk with Susan Sontag. It's sad that we nevertheless will do. But we have her thought to read and think.

    Regards Lucy!
    pd: m glad to have you in my link list :) .
